Roman Antipenkov received his PhD in Laser physics in 2011 from Vilnius University in Lithuania. He joined ELI-Beamlines in Czech Republic in 2013 to apply his knowledge of the OPCPA technology for the high-power laser development. ELI-Beamlines is one of the three main ELI distributed research infrastructure facilities and is focused on the development of unique laser systems and their application for pioneering research. At ELI-Beamlines Roman Antipenkov participated in the design of the 1 kHz TW laser beamline as well as the OPCPA-based front-end for the 10 PW laser system. His research interests include high-energy ultra-short pulse amplification, dispersion control and laser-driven particle acceleration. He is currently acting as a deputy head of the Allegra laser development group.
Title of presentation: Advanced Laser Systems at ELI Beamlines Facility: from 3 TW to 10 PW