Ana Luisa Fernando

Ana Luisa Fernando is Associate Professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. Graduation in Applied Chemistry (1990), MSc in Food Technology (1996), and a PhD in Environmental Sciences (2005), all by Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. She has been working with energy crops for more than 25 years, with special interest on studies related with the sustainability of energy crops production (use of marginal land; efficient use of water and mineral resources; environmental impact assessment studies to detect options for systems improvement). Coordinates the PhD Bioenergy and MSc Food Technology and Safety, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Member of the editorial team of Helyion and Industrial Crops and Products. Member of the Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops (, since 2013. Chair of the General Crops Division of this association since 2016. Author and co-author of 3 technical books, 18 book chapters, 47 articles in national and international peer review journals, 128 articles in national and international conference proceedings. Supervised 7 PhD thesis, 75 MSc thesis and 57 Graduation thesis. National coordinator of three H2020 projects. Coordinator of an ERANETMED project.

Title of presentation: Cultivation of energy crops in marginal soils – technological, environmental, social and economic opportunities and risks

Speaker Details
  • Location
  • Title of presentation:

    Cultivation of energy crops in marginal soils – technological, environmental, social and economic opportunities and risks