Instructions for authors
Abstracts submitted to the Conference will be reviewed by official/anonymous reviewers. Official/anonymous reviewer – a scientist who studies the abstract submitted to the Conference (anonymous) and has a discussion with the author of the abstract during the session (as an official reviewer). The official/anonymous reviewer is selected from the scientists performing research in the same area as the author of the abstract being reviewed.
A research abstract is prepared in good scientific English.
The length of the abstract should not exceed 2 pages (A4), structure: topicality, research methods, results, main conclusions. You may include figures and tables if needed.
The abstract must be prepared according to the template and submitted in the Registration form.
Oral Presentation Guidelines
1. Prepare your research presentation in MS PowerPoint format (.pptx).
2. Presentation should be provided to the session leader at least 5 min before the designated session time.
3. Each presenter will be given 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers. A total of 15 minutes will be allocated to each presenter.
4. Presentation must contain CYSENI logo.