Tomi J. Lindroos

Tomi J. Lindroos, M.Sc. (tech.) works as a Research Scientist at VTT Technical Research Center and has over 15 years of scientific experience in energy system modelling, support for decision-making in energy sector, renewables energies, and district heating and cooling. He has broad experience on academic and commercial projects mainly modelling the medium (2030) and long-term (2050) investments and policies focusing on carbon neutrality, electrification, and sector integration. His main contribution to research in these broad fields have been working in and leading projects modelling how EU, Baltic countries, and Nordic countries could reach their 2030 and 2050 energy and climate targets. He is currently working towards building a next generation of open-source and relatively easy-to-use models and datasets that could be widely used in these studies, e.g. Backbone and FlexTool. The list of publications and ongoing projects is available at

Title of presentation: Decarbonization and electrification in Baltic countries and Northern Europe.

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    Decarbonization and electrification in Baltic countries and Northern Europe.